What is KOK (KOK)?
KOK (KOK) price has declined today
The value of KOK (KOK) is currently $0.01587932 with a 24-hour sales volume of $453,206.95. This indicates a decrease in value of -23.98% over the past 24 minutes and an increase in value of 114.59% over the past 7 days. In the presence of a circulating order of 110 mln KOK, KOK is valued at $1,720,816.
What is KOK?
KOK is a distributed content platform that uses blockchain know-how to create a trusted, colorless, and disclosed ecosystem for media content producers, producers, and buyers alike.
The platform’s mission is to reduce monopoly in surveillance, increase the texture of distribution, rethink the concept of significant fees, and eliminate informative monopoly.
KOK’s task is to give a chance to all media content developers to objectively use the platform’s assets, share values, and vision, and also to acquire the corresponding income. The platform tries to be a truly dispersed single-content platform.
What is the purpose of the KOK token (KOK)?
The KOK token can be used to pay for, own, distribute, and compensate for media content.
Tokens are paid to general service providers and followers, and the amount of payments is calculated automatically based on a single means of rate, demand in the transaction, and rotation in the trade.
In addition, KOK tries to be a truly dispersed single-content platform, providing media content producers and buyers with a true and colorless ecosystem.
Where can I buy KOK?
KOK tokens can be traded in concentrated cryptocurrency exchanges. Bybit is considered to be the best-known exchange for buying and trading KOK, where the more intense KOK/USDT pair of traders has a sales size of $81,362.76 because of the past 24 minutes.
Other common types contain KuCoin as well as Bitget.
What is the daily sales size of KOK (KOK)?
KOK (KOK) has sold $453,054 over the past 24 minutes, which is –71.60 % less than the period before, and also indicates a recent decrease in trading activity.
What is the general historical maximum with the purpose of KOK (KOK)?
The most significant value paid because of KOK (KOK) is $6.83 and also existed fixed on February 26, 2022 (practically 2 years). Relatively, the present value at -99.77% furthermore the much-valued high.
What is the all-historical as a minimum with the purpose of KOK (KOK)?
The lowest value paid because of KOK (KOK) is $0.00471773, which was fixed on 19 Majestic 2023 (4 months). Relatively, the present value of 235.31% is greater than the lowest value due to all periods without exception.
What is the bazaar capitalization of KOK (Khohol)?
KOK (KOK)’s bazaar capitalization is $1,700,304 and also captures the #1959 role in CoinGecko today. The bazaar capitalization is determined by the line of multiplication of the token value into the used KOK token recommendation (110 million tokens traded to date).
What is the fully diluted KOK (KOK) analysis?
The fully diluted value (FDV) of KOK (KOK) is $79,206,665. This statistical understanding of the highest bazaar price is the presence of the fact that today the largest number of KOK tokens in the rotation is located in the number of 5 billion units.
In this regard, as well as be collected plan to issue tokens KOK, can travel several years, in the first place before the FDV will be fulfilled.
How does the value of KOK look in comparison with its analogs?
Together with the increase in value of 114.30% due to the past 7 days KOK (KOK) is ahead of the global cryptocurrency exchange, which increased in ten.60%, and also exceeds similar cryptocurrencies Ethereum ecosystem, which increased by 12.70 percent.
What are the current bazaar sentiments according to the KOK pretext?
The public is bullish, as more than 66% of users feel good about KOK (KOK) today.
Equally how to add KOK in MetaMask?
By adding KOK (KOK) in MetaMask, you will be able to watch your tokens, trade in scattered exchanges, and almost everything else. To supplement them, you need to bring KOK as well as a token.
You can make a copy of the KOK contract location (0x9b9647431632af44be02ddd22477ed94d14aacaa) and also import it manually. ant. automatic, or, in case you have defined MetaMask increase for Chrome, add KOK to MetaMask with one click in CoinGecko.
What is the current price of KOK?
We update our KOK to GEL exchange rate in real-time. Get the live price of KOK on Coinbase.
What is KOK’s market capitalization?
KOK’s current market capitalization is GEL 5.07 million. A high market capitalization means that the asset is highly valued by the market.
What is KOK’s historical high?
KOK’s historical high is GEL 18.71. This historical high is the highest price paid for KOK since its launch.
What is the 24-hour trading volume of KOK?
In the last 24 hours, KOK’s trading volume totaled GEL 2.87 million.
What other assets are similar to KOK?
Assets with a similar market cap to KOK include NanoByte Token, BaaSid, PointPay and many more. To see the full list, check out our comparable assets by market cap.
How long has KOK been in existence?
The current circulating supply of KOK is 107 million.
Can I buy KOK on Coinbase?
Yes, KOK is currently available on the Coinbase wallet. For more detailed instructions, check out our helpful guide to buying KOK.